The ERTS conference is a unique biennial European cross-sector event on Embedded Real-Time Systems, a forum for top-level scientists with representatives from universities, research centres, industrial key players, and agencies addressing critical systems and applications. Usually, this event includes more than 70 talks, up to 400 participants and 50 exhibitors.
ERTS is:
• a conference with high-level scientific and technical presentations
• an exhibition forum covering a wide range of innovative products and services, for improving direct relationship between providers and users
• a unique forum involving industry and academia to share knowledge and extend your personal network.
The conference targets all the domains where embedded systems are crucial, such as transportation (aeronautics, automotive, railways, marine, unmanned vehicles…), space exploration and satellite applications, healthcare, industry 4.0, IoT, robotics, defence, energy, telecoms. The conference welcomes submissions reporting academic and industrial research, practical experiments and use cases, feedback on new technologies, and position papers on open challenges or major trends.
This edition welcomes contributions that present new and inspiring ideas for the development, deployment, and operation of safe, secure, autonomous, and sustainable systems. Submissions are encouraged to explore innovative methods for the dependable integration of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, as well as the application of these techniques in the design and optimization of critical embedded systems. We also invite work addressing state-of-the-art software and hardware engineering practices aimed at achieving the high-performance computation and communication capabilities demanded by next-generation embedded systems.