Date de l’événement :

13 juin 2023

Heure de l'événement :


Lieu de l'événement :

The success story of ETTC dates back more than 30 years.

It’s a unique international event, organised by the AAAF & SEE in Europe, addressing a wide range of test and telemetry technologies in a variety of application areas of: aeronautical, space, automotive, defence, railways, etc.

This year ETTC’23 will focus on the “robustness and the sustainability of the latest innovative testing technologies” developed in the world of transport.

Our industries need to develop new testing solutions and increasingly adapt off the shelf products and technologies from the consumer markets and other commercial businesses.

The ambition of ETTC’23 is to help attendees to answer the questions they have in these varied technical areas. Attendees can participate in the conference presentations, exchange information and lessons learned with peers. You will have the opportunity to extend your professional network, learn about developments in standards, improve your knowledge, and visit the bespoke exhibition hall, with exhibits from worldwide suppliers covering the various technological fields in our industry.

>> Join us on ETTC’23 <<

Evénement expiré

Par : SEE - 3AF

Détails de l'événement

  • 13 juin 2023 9h00 14 juin 2023 17h00
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