Flexibility for Power Systems, the backbone of the energy transition

Date de l’événement :

29 novembre 2021

Heure de l'événement :


Lieu de l'événement :

Palazzo Bovara - Circolo del Commercio

Overview of Power System Flexibility today and the challenges of tomorrow, with Enedis, RTE, Voltalis and Trialog.

À propos de cet évènement

Flexibility is a key issue to meet the challenge of the energy transition and to integrate a growing share of Intermittent Renewable Energies into the power grid.
The speakers will present the main flexibility solutions used by grid operators today and the most promising solutions for the future, providing details on technical and economic aspects. They will also present different energy transition scenarios and the associated flexibility needs, with medium and long term perspectives.

Register for this event (FREE)



17.30 : Welcome of the public
17.50 : Introductory address – Marianne Laigneau, Chair of Think Smartgrids, CEO of Enedis (main French DSO)
18.00 : Round table on Flexibility of Power Systems

  • Hubert Dupin, Head of the Flexibility Department at Enedis
  • Olivier Grabette, Senior Executive Vice-President in charge of European Industrial Affairs at RTE (French TSO)
  • Helena Gerard, VITO, Flemish Institute for Technological Research / EU-SysFlex – BRIDGE Program
  • Voltalis, expert in diffuse load shedding / agregator (speaker to be confirmed)
  • Moderator : Olivier Genest, Director at TRIALOG, WG Chair of the European initiative BRIDGE

19.00 Cocktail hour

This event will offer you the opportunity to meet the representatives of utilities and stakeholders participating in Enlit Europe.
Location : Palazzo Bovara – Circolo del Commercio, Corso Venezia, 51, 20121 Milano (metro Line 1, Palestro)
Think Smartgrids will be present at the French Pavilion during Enlit exhibition, from 30 November to 2 December, stand 12.F48

Evénement expiré
  • Palazzo Bovara - Circolo del Commercio
  • 51 Corso Venezia
  • Milano
  • 20121
  • Italy

Détails de l'événement

  • 29 novembre 2021 17h30 - 20h30
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