Why H2 Now ?

Date de l’événement :
7 juin 2022
Heure de l'événement :
Lieu de l'événement :
Hydrogen is not what we could call an innovation neither a new idea, as Jules Verne described a dreamed world energized with water more than a century ago. But production from water and use as an energy carriage are full of technical and economic difficulties and pitfalls.
What have changed now and lead to focus on H2 and spend billions of euros – just to mention Europe – amongst a real worldwide strategic competition?
SEE Storage Technical Club propose to present and discuss the current situation with high level panelists describing their visions and projects.
This event will be held in english, as organised for and with international students of INSEAD. It will be open to on-line attendance for others participants who have pre-registered.
17h15 Home – opening of the conference
17h30 Introduction by Claire Lajoie-Mazenc , Chair SEE Technical Club Storage, Chair IEEE France
17h45 Hydrogen Production, technological basis, economical viability, carbon balance, Didier Dalmazzone, ENSTA Paris
18h10 EDF and H2 Plan Pierre Le Romancer, EDF Lab – Storage and H2 Research program manager
18h35 Innovation to improve performance with high tech start up Florence LAMBERT, Genvia, CEO
19h00 Questions / Answers