XXIVth ISPRS Congress Imaging today, Foreseeing tomorrow

Date de l’événement :
6 juin 2022
Heure de l'événement :
Lieu de l'événement :
The ISPRS Congress is the leading forum where classical and emergent topics related to photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences are discussed. It continues the unique tradition of gathering scientists, educators, and engineers from multiple domains and more than 100 countries. It promotes cross-fertilization between topics and communities, public and private sectors.
The week focuses on how photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences contribute to science and society, such as public policies and main aspects of life and work today. It exhibits how disruptive technologies (sensors and methods) shape and improve the current landscape, how it creates new application fields and opportunities for public and private sectors, as well as for their interactions.
The Congress welcomes all papers bringing new achievements, in terms of methods, experiments, and applicative fields, that help shifting the present level of knowledge. The Congress exceptional value comes from the fact it exhibits the interdisciplinarity of science today and the ubiquity of the application of sensing, whatever the platform (from the satellite to the citizen).
The attendees will obtain up-to-date information about the latest developments in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences. They will have the opportunity to make new contacts, exchange ideas with colleagues, discover new fields and identify future trends in multiple domains.
The Program over seven days will be carefully tailored so as to ensure a smooth planning and to fulfil the expectations of all attendees, would they be interested in diving into one main topic or in having a glimpse of the main achievements in all domains.